Spring Flowers & Fiction!
/Happy Spring!
Like you, friends, I’ve been staying home and a bit sad, missing the beauty of spring. But we can be thankful for our imaginations and love of escaping into the fascinating and absorbing worlds of novels. The bright side: it’s a good time to read more. I’m trying to stay positive, catching up on my reading list (too many!).
And thank you for adding Essie’s Roses and Water Lily Dance to your reading list and for your continued encouragement–Kindle bestsellers thanks to you! So many new, exciting Spring reads. I am forever grateful you continue to share my new novel Water Lily Dance and treasured debut Essie’s Roses. You’ve lifted my spirits, and I hope these stories (walks among their magnolias, roses, and water lilies) offer you an escape and lift and inspire your hearts.
Essie’s Roses is a sweeping, moving historical novel set before the Civil War about secrets, freedom, and the power of a dream. Water Lily Dance centers around Paris and the lives of three brave women, centuries apart, uniquely connected by French Impressionist artist Claude Monet. To learn more, watch the book trailers, and read an excerpt visit: www.michellemuriel.com Thank you always for sharing my book news.
I’m working hard on my next novel WESTLAND (Essie’s Roses #2). Will have an update soon. :) Thank you again, friends, for your beautiful support.
Keep Calm
It was a cold winter, and I’ve been counting the days for spring and quiet walks and writing in my favorite sanctuary: the Missouri Botanical Garden. We are all experiencing great difficulty and hardship right now. My heart is with you.
I’m hunkered down at home, and my heart’s a bit heavy because I don’t want us to change as a nation. I miss seeing and smiling at people. I hate seeing masks. It’s weird and scary like all those apocalyptic movies from every era (I have no idea why they’re running these on TV right now). I miss striking up pleasant conversations with people at the store, a park, and my favorite restaurant. I miss HUGS, encouraging pats on the backs, and handshakes! I don’t want us to walk around in fear at summer concerts, outdoor theaters, and baseball games. Closed parks and churches are not us. Closing up restaurants and banning weekend day-trips antiquing and supporting small towns, candy shops, bakeries, independent bookstores, and art galleries and so many other small businesses we need and love to support.
“‘Evie, do you know no matter how hard you try, you cannot block out the sunshine? It will come through the tiniest crack in the darkest room. And when that sunshine comes in, that darkness becomes light,’ she whispered.”
We are a people who thrive on companionship, giving, friendship, and opening our hearts, to those in need. And like many other families, my husband and I have spent over 25 years starting and keeping our small businesses running through the worst times. This. Is. Hard. BUT we will win.
We will return to what we love. We won’t give up our freedom. We will not change for the worst. We will do what’s right in the moment to keep ourselves and others safe, but no matter how many people talk on TV, no matter the politics, this isn’t a change for the better, and it never will be, in my opinion. But in all this, as I pray and grieve with those hurting and who have lost precious loved ones from this virus, I refuse to live in despair and fear. I applaud our heroes, the first responders and healthcare professionals running toward danger to keep us safe and well, not away. Thank you.
It’s a tough time, friends. One that will test our patience, faith, resolve, trust, and hope in the goodness of others to do what’s right. We’ve weathered many storms together in our country, and we will march through this one. Believe the best, friends. Strive to love. Believe in the goodness you know exists around you, in your community, home, and business. And pray for our leaders and each other.
Be encouraged. Do your part to keep the peace, health, and safety in your home and community. This will pass. It will not last forever. I’m with you, friends. We can do this. <3
Happy Easter
When I was little, my mom used to recite this rhyme when I was afraid to help me remember her favorite bible scripture, and after all these years, I still remember it: Fear has no part in my heart. “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a SOUND mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a SOUND mind.”
I will not meditate on darkness and fear but faith and light. I pray this for you, my beautiful friends. Stay positive. Praying for your peace, health, and safety during this time and onward. We will come out stronger than ever before. Believe.